We are an international little family. Papa Peter is from the Netherlands,  Mama Christine is from Germany. Our son Jari Robin was born on the 8th of June in 2017 in Heidelberg, Germany. 

This website is about him. Jari Robin was 2 years and one month old when we got the terrible news that he suffers from leukemia, a form of cancer. A nightmare of every parent to hear and the start of an uncertain period. We knew a long and difficult road was before Jari, with many days in hospital, heavy medication and often simply feeling ill. On this website we chronicle his and our journey to his recovery. For the people around us to follow his progress, for us to save our thoughts and for the future.


But most of all for Jari, so one day he can read back how this time in his life was.Hopefully he will healthy and fit when reading this and he has forgotten the worries and pain.